When choosing a cut of steak, there are some particulars to keep in mind. This is because going to the butcher or local grocery store for meat can be a bit daunting. There are so many options to choose from, this can make it difficult to know which cut of steak is best for what occasion or meal. But there are some tips you can use to make your steak selection a bit easier. Knowing which steaks are the top cuts and the types of steaks to choose from can make the process a lot more enjoyable. It’s also helpful to know the most tender steak cuts. Learn more about the best cut of steaks you will absolutely love.
What is Steak?
There is so much philosophy on the best cuts of steak, but do you really know what steak is? Steak is one of the highest quality beef cuts that come from the hindquarters of the animal. These beef parts are cut into smaller pieces that are typically thick slices that are then used for various types of cooking. Various types of steak are based on the cut and particular area of the animal the meat is cut from.
Another term that defines different kinds of steak is marbling. Marbling is the variable bits of fat that you see throughout the tissue of the meat. It is what gives the steak its flavor and texture. The various marble styles are what makes a steak a top cut or subpar.

What are the Top 5 Types of Steak?
Ribeye steaks are known as one of the best cuts of steak because of its extensive marbling. It is a large and round cut with a lot of flavor and tenderness. It can be enjoyed bone in or out.

Strip Steak or New York Strip
Strip steak or New York Strip is a rectangular cut that is usually served boneless. It is not quite as tender as the ribeye steak, but it is still very flavorful and considered a high-end cut.

Sirloin steak is still considered a top cut of steak, but not quite as flavorful as a ribeye. It has less marbling and it is significantly leaner. It is still a great option for a top cut of steak, especially if you are not looking to spend a lot of money.

T-bone steak is a great option for a versatile crowd. It is a strip steak and a fillet, with a large T-shaped bone. It is a nice pick for both the tenderness of the fillet and the flavor of the strip.

Tenderloin is a top cut but has basically no marbling. Because of this, it lacks flavor, but most people choose the tenderloin because it is very tender. Fillet mignon is a smaller cut of the tenderloin.

What is the Most Tender Cut of Steak?
When you talk about the most tender cut of steak, expect to spend a pretty penny. The most tender cut of steak is going to be the most expensive. Tenderloin steak is taken from the most tender part of the cow, so tenderloin steak is one of the most expensive cuts. It comes from a small part of the cow, which makes it even more rare.

Another tender and expensive type of steak is Japanese wagyu, or Kobe beef. This is tender and expensive due to the way the cows are raised, fed, and bred. These cows are raised in Japan and follow a very strict diet. Because of this, it has a distinct and expensive flavor and level of fat.

What Are The Best Steak Cuts For Grilling?
The best steak cuts for grilling, especially for beginners, are the ribeye or the strip steak. Grilling steak is all about the right degree of heat when the meat hits the grill. It is best to cook it quickly on high heat so that it sears nicely and does not dry out the meat. Ribeye and strip steak are particularly thick cuts of steak, so they are great for beginners so that the outer surface gets a good char while keeping the interior a nice pink color.